

Five Steps to a Better New Hire Benefits Orientation


Many employees have a negative opinion of the new hire orientation; especially the employee benefits session. They're too long, too boring and just too much! As one of the casts of HR characters charged with meting out this torture, you probably have the same negative feelings. Or maybe your feelings are not as strong. You know that if you did not have these sessions, new hires would never submit the required enrollment forms (online or otherwise) on time.

However, the primary purpose of the new hire orientation is not to collect paperwork. Sure, that is an important function of the process, but the main point is to help employees make well-informed financial decisions about health insurance and retirement savings. So, if your job requires you to educate new employees about employee benefits, make sure you are up to the task. Here’s how you can prepare…

1. Attend a Colleague's Benefits Orientation 

As a new employee benefits professional, part of your training may include watching a supervisor or coworker lead a new hire benefits orientation.  You can learn a lot from this training.  The key is to look for things worth incorporating into your future orientations, but also items you definitely want to avoid.
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